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RES Elementary Students Dive into Career Exploration at KCHS

In an engaging initiative to introduce young students to potential career paths, RES Elementary recently organized a Career Exploration day at Karnes City High School. This event, supported by the Full Service Community Grant, allowed elementary students to step into the world of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and discover various professional fields.

During their visit, students had the opportunity to explore a wide range of CTE programs offered at the high school. They delved into Robotics, where technology meets creativity; Culinary Arts, which combines flavor and science; and Law Enforcement, which emphasizes community service and safety. They also explored Floral Design, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training, Aviation, Agriculture, and Audio Video Technology and Communication. Each session provided them with a glimpse into these diverse fields, sparking curiosity and excitement.

The Career Exploration day was not only about fun and learning but also about planting seeds for future educational choices. By exposing students to these opportunities at an early stage, Karnes City ISD aims to inspire them to consider various career pathways and the educational journeys they entail.

This initiative underscores the district’s commitment to comprehensive education, ensuring students are well-informed and motivated as they think about their futures. The successful collaboration for this event sets a promising precedent for further educational integration across grade levels.