• Karnes City HS Course Selections

    Please use the course descriptions found in the KCISD course descriptions to choose the courses..

    The course selections are available by grade level.  If there are any questions please contact the high school counselor, Gayle Tisdale.



    Karnes City ISD Adopted Curriculum

    TEKS Resource System

    The TCMPC provides content and support for an online curriculum management system known as the TEKS Resource System. The content includes curriculum components and sample unit assessment items aligned to the most current versions of the State Board of Education-adopted standards (TEKS) for the following subject areas:

    • English Language Arts and Reading (K-12)
    • Spanish Language Arts and Reading (K-5)
    • Mathematics (K-12)
    • Science (K-12)
    • Social Studies (K-12)
    • Spanish translated versions of Mathematics,Science, Social Studies, and SLAR (K-5)

    The TCMPC believes that teachers, working with parents and their communities, know how to best educate their students. 


    Social Emotional Learning

    • Zones of Regulation (PK-1) is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem-solving activities. 


    • Early Act First Knight (2-5)  EAFK is a powerful, daily character education program for our primary and elementary campuses made available by The Knights of The Guild and our Karnes City Rotary.  EAFK creatively teaches and motivates students to become more civil, service-oriented people during their most formative years.


    • Second Step (6-8) The SEL program helps build a culture of connectedness and empowers middle schoolers with the skills and concepts to succeed socially, in academics, and in life.


    • School Connect (9-12) The curriculum is designed to improve high school students' social, emotional, and academic skills and strengthen relationships among students and between students and teachers. The program provides instruction in social awareness, self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.