What happens after a STOPit report is made?

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After a report is made in STOPit, the following steps are taken:

1. The AP will contact the parents of students involved to inform them of this report, and begin the investigative process. During this process, the AP will interview all students involved in the incident.

2. When necessary, interim steps will be taken to insure safety of the targeted student while the investigation is taking place.

3. The student who was targeted is encouraged to report any retaliation or continued mistreatment now or in the future to the AP, his/her parents, and/or the police (when necessary) immediately.

4. After the investigation is complete and a plan of action has been determined, the AP will contact the students and parents involved in the report to address the findings.

5. Appropriate consequences will be given to the student committing the bullying behavior. (Note: the AP is not allowed to share consequences with the parents of the targeted student.)

6. The targeted student will be offered strategies on dealing with bullying.

7. In order to provide extra support, the AP will inform the counselor of the incident.

8. Staff members (specials teachers, bus drivers, etc.) will be involved on a need to know basis.
